Ponytail Facelift

Ponytail Facelift

As we approach our 40s the contours of our face begin to change: the volume on our cheeks and upper face, associated with a youthful appearance, moves to the lower face, often resulting in heavy folds, jowls, and a loose neck. Reversing these signs of aging can give you a refreshed and natural appearance.  That is Dr. Michel Siegel’s specialty.

Traditional facelift procedures deal with only skin and muscle, and often produce a tight or “pulled” appearance. Because the skin is separated from the underlying tissues, the bruising and swelling can be significant and be prolonged.

Also, most facelifts can leave visible signs of surgery: the small cartilage in front of the ear (the tragus) can get distorted, scars in front of the ear may remain visible after healing, and hair loss can show in the sideburn or temple areas as a result of poor incision placement.

Worst of all, the pain isn’t necessarily worth it in the end: the results tend to be short-lived.

Unlike in traditional facelifts, which “pull,” Dr. Siegel’s approach to facial rejuvenation works because of vertical re-suspension.  Skin, muscle, and fat tissues are placed back to their original positions as a single unit, and in a vertical (not backwards) direction. One’s brows are laterally rotated, not elevated.  By leaving the skin attached to the underlying muscle and fat, unlike in traditional facelifts, the blood supply remains undisturbed, resulting in significantly less swelling and bruising and allowing patients to look like themselves in just 7 days.

This approach yields natural outcomes: volume is restored in the right amount and in the proper locations, yielding a refreshed and younger version of yourself.

All those factors, coupled with minimal and masterfully hidden incisions, allow Dr. Siegel’s patients to still wear their hair in a ponytail, without worrying of visible telltale signs of facelift surgery.

Contact our office in Houston to consult with Dr. Siegel on your needs.

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