Changing Nostril Shape

The two most commonly requested changes in rhinoplasty patients are (1) removing a hump on the bridge of the nose, and (2) decreasing the roundness of a bulbous nose-tip area. However, the nostrils can have a major effect on the overall balance of your nose and face as a whole, and so many patients are interested in modifying the shape of their nostrils.

It’s important to keep in mind that there is no “ideal” nostril shape. Dr Siegel tends to think in terms of one’s unique facial structure and ethnic background, and what looks natural.  The nostrils, just like the rest of the nose, should blend in with the rest of each person’s features.

The most common request is to reduce the flare of the nostrils. Usually this involves removing skin from around the nostrils to narrow the overall width of the nose. An experienced rhinoplasty surgeon should be able to place the incisions in inconspicuous locations so no visible signs of surgery are present. Nostril-size reduction procedures should be performed carefully to achieve symmetry and prevent excess nostril narrowing, which will not only appear unnatural, but may also compromise the breathing function of the nose.

Reducing large nostrils may also refer to the vertical height, or how tall the nostrils would appear to someone looking the patient directly in the face. Making the nostrils shorter may involve adding cartilage to the sides of the rim, rather than removing fleshy tissue from the sides of the nose.

Some patients want to correct asymmetries.  Although noses in general are not perfectly symmetrical, very uneven nostrils maybe the result of trauma or of previous surgery.  In these cases, reconstructing the shape of the nostrils may be required to achieve better balance or symmetry.

Patients with noses that have poor tip support may have collapsed looking nostrils that may appear large and wide, or “floppy.” In these cases, nostrils tissue is not removed. Re-supporting the tip to create a more-defined nose will not only will rebalance the nose but will create nostrils that are more cosmetically appealing.

Changing the nostrils requires an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon to execute the proper technique and create nostrils that appear proportional and balanced without any obvious signs of surgery (e.g. the “Michael Jackson nose”).  Only a specialist like Dr. Siegel has the experience and palette of techniques to provide you with the smallest amount of surgery you need to achieve your ideal look, and not a single slice more.

Note: Dr. Siegel specializes in preservation and ultrasonic rhinoplasty, both of which produce superior results. He is one of the few surgeons in the US experienced in these types of rhinoplasty.  Find out more.

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