Neck Liposuction / Sculpting / Lift
Risks of Surgery
Premier Houston Rhinoplasty Surgeon Dr. Michel Siegel
Most patients undergoing a cosmetic neck procedure, to improve their appearance, have a successful outcome, though, like any surgery, there are some risks and potential complications to keep in mind. Complications can come from both expected and unexpected factors. Since every individual has unique skin types, tissue structures, blood circulation, healing responses, and reactions to anesthesia, it’s difficult to promise specific outcomes or foresee every possible complication. However, working with a highly qualified and experienced Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. Siegel, can significantly lower the chances of untoward problems developing. Your surgery will be performed safely and with care, to provide you with the best possible result, and to allow for a smooth and speedy recovery. The following complications have been reported in the medical literature. They are listed here for your information, not to frighten you, but to make you aware and more knowledgeable concerning this surgical procedure.
- Infection – Although infection is rare, Infection risks are inherent in any invasive procedures, including neck liposuction. Every precaution will be implemented before, during, and after your procedure to minimize the risk of infection. Antibiotics will also be prescribed before surgery to decrease the risk of infection.
- Skin Irregularities and Scarring – Skin irregularities are common and temporary during the healing after surgery. In most cases this self resolves. Permanent skin irregularities and scarring are very rare, a second procedure may be required for correction.
- Asymmetry – Most asymmetries are transient and related to swelling and healing after surgery. Permanent asymmetries are very rare. The Nerve controlling your lip movement may be weak after surgery creating an asymmetry. In most cases, this is temporary and related to swelling and bruising from structures adjacent to the nerve. Permanent loss of function is very rare.
- Platysma Muscle Banding/Distortion – One potential, but infrequent complication related to neck liposuction is the creation of platysma muscle bands or a distorted appearance of the platysma muscles due to excess fat removal, or a poor healing process in the soft tissues.
- Recurrent Laxity – In rare cases, tissues may drop back to their pre-surgery position requiring a “tuck up”.
Other complications associated with neck rejuvenation surgery include:
- Pain: Excessive pain or severe pain that doesn’t improve with medication
- Swelling: Unusual swelling or prolonged swelling
- Bleeding: Persistent bleeding or drainage from the incision site
- Infection: Signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, or fever
- Skin changes: Skin discoloration, irregularities, or loss
- Numbness: Temporary and usually self-resolving after the swelling resolves. Permanent numbness is very rare.
- Fluid buildup: Seromas, or temporary pockets of fluid, that may need to be drained
- Scarring: Scarring that can be a concern for some patients
- Wrinkling: Wrinkly skin, especially for older patients
- Hardening: Persistent hardening in the neck, such as a lump or a large area of scar tissue
Other complications associated with this as with any surgery include:
Adverse reactions to anesthesia, Internal puncture, Fat embolism, Kidney and heart problems, and local anesthetic toxicity.
Neck Liposuction / Sculpting / Lift Risks of Surgery