
I’m Unhappy With My Eye Shape – What Can I Do?
Like ear surgery (which we discussed in a recent post), eyelid surgery is highly underrated as a cosmetic procedure. Eyelids, and the area around your eyes in general, can be a disaster zone for ageing. An otherwise youthful face can seem much older due to wrinkles,...

Are You Ready For Plastic Surgery?
So you’ve finally made the decision to get plastic surgery – or perhaps you’re getting close to a decision, but want to know how to prepare yourself. There are a few steps you can take between decision and surgery that’ll make the whole experience smoother and help...

Otoplasty 101: Types of Ear Surgeries
Ear surgery isn’t the most widely discussed cosmetic procedure out there, but it can be one of the most effective. Many people suffer from oversized, undersized, or oddly shaped ears – and if you’re struggling with this yourself, otoplasty might be the...

Plastic Surgery Misconceptions for Men
There are a number of misconceptions floating around when it comes to plastic surgery for men. Because cosmetic procedures have only gained traction among men relatively recently, there’s often little awareness about what sort of men get it, why they get it,...

Modern Day Lasers: Not Just For Sci-Fi
Ever since the first laser was created in 1960, the technology has progressed in leaps and bounds. Though many of its most “cutting edge” applications were long confined to the realm of sci-fi spaceships, its extraordinary development during the past half-century has...

What Does A Chemical Peel Treat
Chemical peels are among the best techniques out there for tackling many kinds of facial blemishes. There isn’t just one type of chemical peel, however, and different doctors have different approaches to using them. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at what...
Ethnic Rhinoplasty: FAQs
All noses are unique, and the best plastic surgeons will tailor every nose job to a patient’s individual features. But as with architecture or painting, there are certain aesthetic rules that should be followed in rhinoplasty. (Da Vinci would have been an excellent...
Getting Rid of Sun Damage On Your Face
As we enter the depths of yet another summer, our skin can remind us all too vividly of the summers we’ve enjoyed in the past. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of prematurely aged skin, and the unappealing spots and wrinkles that come with it. But...
Why Do You Heal Faster When You Sleep?
Perhaps more than ever before, we live in a world where a natural sleep rhythm is an almost unattainable luxury. How many people still wake with the sunrise rather than the alarm clock? How many people still drift off when they’re tired, without the distraction...

Fixing A Bad Nose Job: The Science Of Revision Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty has made huge advances in recent years. Better technology, as well as more effective surgical techniques, have left an increasingly large proportion of patients feeling thrilled with their results. That being said, things sometimes do go wrong—most often...