
Top questions about otoplasty recovery

When you look in the mirror each day, you may not think much about your ears. But for someone who’s self-conscious about the appearance of their ears, it can be a source of embarrassment or emotional stress. For these people, otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery,...

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How To Remove Stretch Marks

How To Remove Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common skin complaint in men and women of all ages. Although they are not physically painful, their emotional effects can be devastating. This leaves many people looking for a solution that can get rid of these unsightly marks and give them back...

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What Are Hooded Eyes?

What Are Hooded Eyes?

The eyes are two of our most important and prominent facial features as they are often the first thing people see when they meet us. For many people, an inherited eyelid shape or normal aging can produce a “hooded eye” look that some people dislike and wish to change...

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The History of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

The History of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery

Although we consider plastic and cosmetic surgery to be a modern trend, it has a long history behind it. The origins of reshaping the face and body and repairing or restoring body parts date back thousands of years. Ancient Beginnings Plastic surgery’s earliest...

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Dr. Siegel’s Most Amazing Before and Afters

If you’re considering plastic surgery, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is choosing your surgeon. But what if you find two or more that seem to be equally qualified? As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. And looking at before and...

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Why is Plastic Surgery Called “Plastic”?

The term “plastic surgery” often makes people think of “artificial” or “too tight” looks that were commonplace in the past. Celebrities would get a “pulled” look with facelifts, and often overdone procedures led people to believe that plastic surgery means your...

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